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What Is Boogie-blog.com?
Boogie-blog.com is a wordpress blog being run and built by an adult webmaster for the purposes of providing alternative content seperate from my link list over at Cfporn.com

So who are you?
I’m “boogie”. I’ve been in the adult web business since 1998. I’m poor because I’m not very good at it. Yet, it beats working 9 to 5.

So do you get to screw lots of hot bitches?
no not really. But I get to photograph them sometimes, or meet them at trade shows, or watch them strip and stuff. That’s a lot of fun.

So why a blog?
I was always a better writer than I was a webmaster. I’m just looking for people to pay attention to me, and write comments so i know they’re reading, because I have co dependency issues.

Whats with the ads?
One thing I like more than public adoration and that’s cash. you should give me some. or buy something from an ad on the site because that = money too.

I like money.

You havent updated for a while…
I might have died. Or, alternatively, got sick. Or alternatively something in life distracted me like a photoshoot or a tradeshow or a new MMORPG. I’m addicted to MMORPGS.

….. no.

that’s not even in a language i understand

So arent you just some dude with bad breath who sits in his house all day writing some pretentious blog that no one reads and thinks he’s king of the universe when in reality he’s just some 30 year old dude?
Actually, I’m 31.

So you own cfporn.com then?

Whats that like?

Arent you a totalfarker.com too?
yeah you can find me there as the login cfporn.com, and I whine a lot, so be prepared.

I’m getting bored, how much longer is this interview?
we’ve got about 3 more minutes

So…. whats the weather like there?
shitty. Its always shitty.

well, it is.

So how about them Red Sox?
I dont watch sports. I dont give a fuck about the Red Sox. I did talk to Curt Schilling a few times in the Everquest 2 beta. He’s the only guy in the world of baseball i could give a remote fuck about.

Man you’re a real asshole
that’s not even a question.

we have recently acquired this photo of the author:

FAQ updated as of October 12th, 2005.

I hear you’re from arkansas?
Yeah. I am. so what?

Are you like some crazed NRA REDNECK Bush supporter?
ahahahahahaahahahahaahahaha. oh shit. OH SHIT loLOLOLOL. No i dont support bush.

I hear you’re fat?
Yeah, definately.

How Fat?
Ever watch Jerry Springer?

I could be a headliner there.

You’re no looker yourself, fuckface.

At least I can find my dick, fatass
Your mother finds it just fine.

She’s a filthy whore and you know it. And this is coming from a guy who reviews porn sites all day. I’ve seen cleaner bitches on slopper sites.