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Porn Pop Ups and Spyware

So, you're tired of porn pop ups. Arent we all? Every time you visit a site, every time you click an ad, its pop up after pop up. Whats worse, some of these sites try to slip in automatic bookmarks to your browser, or install malicious software or cookies. So what can you do?

The following is X easy steps you can do to help combat the constant assault on your browser, your email inbox, and everywhere else. Most importantly, 99% of these steps are 100% free.

Download a Pop Up Stopper

This is one of the most basic steps for browsing the internet. First off, we need to consider your choice in browser. Take the time to follow those steps and stop pop ups for good!

IE - Internet Explorer
Your first step should be to always keep windows updated. Either turn on automatic updating, or do it yourself once a week. Most of the security leaks that are exploited by websites on the internet are patched by keeping windows updated.

Secondly, you'll need to install a pop up stopper. IE service pack 2.0 is supposed to include automatic pop up stopping, but this is not out as of this writing. There are other alternatives, such as programs that run in your taskbar, or add ons for your browser.

My personal choice for IE is to use The google toolbar , which is free to download, super easy to install and completely non intrusive. You can control whether or not you want to allow pop ups on an individual domain basis, plus it has a lot of nice little features. So far, it has stopped over 5,000 pop ups for me (it even keeps track!) and I'm damned glad :)

Opera and Netscape
Alternatively you can download a new browser to use. Both Opera and Netscape offer you options to block pop ups and both are pretty good. I personally still prefere to use IE over these browsers, but it is an option you might consider. Use your favorite search engine to find either browsers main pages :)

Update Your Operating System

Whether you are using Mac, Linux, Windows, or any other choice, you need to make a point of keeping it updated. If your OS offers automatic updating, TURN IT ON. If you cant do that, make it a point to update once every couple of weeks. Almost all of the 'known' exploits on the net are patched, people just dont download those patches. Make it happen and you wont end up wasting a good hard on due ot some viruses, bugs, or spyware.

Get a Spyware and Adware Remover

Spyware is 'hidden' programs that install with other programs, or silently 'behind' the scenes while you are surfing websites or installing programs. Adware is a type of spyware that replaces text, banners, links, or pop ups with more intrusive advertisement. Both are bad.

Spybot will remove spyware.
Adaware will remove adware.

Both are free to download, own, use, run... get them both, try them out. you'll be suprised some of the garbage your machine has picked up while you've been surfing. This is one of the most important steps, so dont skip it... get it done!

Try a Premium Porn Site

Remember that free sites have to make money somehow... one of the way many sites do this is by shoving ads down your throat. But, with a premium porn site membership you dont have to deal with ads... you're already supporting the site with your membership. As a result, doing this is one of the best ways to prevent dealing with bad advertising attempts and keeping those pop ups and spyware the hell off your system. I own a few memberships to paysites, and when its time to polish the knob, I wont look at nothing else. Nobody wants to stare at banners while working the wood.

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