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I'm a song from the sixties.

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Last Post for this Script

You're now reading the very last post I'll ever make using this old script.

I have updated to word press and you can see the changes on the main url. If somehow you are viewing this, you've followed an old link and have found the old pages. That's fine, there is still tons of content here to be enjoyed.

so enjoy it, bitch.

Posted: Sunday 6th March 2005, 10:54 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Cfporn Detailed Information

I've done some major updating to today. Nothing has really changed for the basic Porn Categories but, if you'll look at the actual Porn Listings you'll find that there is a couple of new things.

First off I added an icon that allows you to 'pop' the link into a new window. fun for surfing.

then possibly the coolest new feature is the new Detailed Pages which is a little page that includes info about the link... when it was submitted, and other information. This is great for the search engines as well as the surfers.

Then as a BONUS each of those pages include a nice little set of 'hidden' galleries... i think 10 new ones each day. So if somoene stumbles onto those detailed pages they'll find some tasty freebie porn they wont find anywhere else.

Should be good overall, I think.

Posted: Thursday 3rd March 2005, 5:19 AM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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T-Mobile Terrorist Strikes again - Fred Durst Sex Video

Looks like that t-mobile terrorist is at it again. This time he's grabbed a sex video from Fred Durst, the lead singer of Limp Bizkit.

You can find The Fred Durst Sex Video here. More mirrors will be added when we find them.

Honestly, i'm not amazed these people keep that kind of shit on their phones. I think its natural to film yourself doing things but, maybe not fucking, and maybe not on a device taht's connected to the internet.

Apparantly according to this article at ZDnet durst apparantly was a victim of an extortion attempt. He decided that either his career was so fucked anyways, or his cock was so massive, that it didnt matter if this video got out or not. I like to think its a bit of both.

according to Captain cum there was also a text file found with the video, that read

"David Hans Schmidt - 602-956-8876. Nice try, but instead of you making money off this we'll give out for free. :)"

it looks like maybe that guy has some ties to the porn industry. I wouldnt know him though. :)

anyways enjoy the video and look back here for more possible mirriors.

Posted: Saturday 26th February 2005, 12:12 AM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Paris Hilton's Mobile Hacked

Clearly you've heard about paris hiltons mobile getting hacked. Its pretty big news.

You can view it here if you'd like to see all the pics and a few prank phone calls to people in her address book :)

Posted: Thursday 24th February 2005, 10:40 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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15 Free sites for you to enjoy

In reference to that last entry, here is a nice long list of some of the free sites we've been cranking out. take the time to stare and enjoy ;)

Russian Brunette ~ Amateur Amber ~ Blonde Bath ~ Getting Clean ~ Blondie, Amateur Teen ~ Amateur Brunette ~ Amateur Cheerleader ~ Her and Her Toy ~ Amateur Floor Fucking ~ Petite Amateur ~ Pigtailed Amateur and Her Toy ~ Getting Ready for Bed ~ Amateur Shooter ~ Amateur Redhead ~ Wild Blonde Amateur

Posted: Monday 31st January 2005, 4:59 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.
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Yen's Free Porn

I've been working with a close friend to create a new pornsite... his nickname is Yen so he's over at Yen's Free Porn

its been going pretty well. We've been making free sites and posting them to link lists, using content and server space I paid for and splitting the ads.

For some reason it seems i'm the one getting all the signups though :(

so far we have about 14 free sites online that we've made jointly. He's done most of the work though. Go over and check it out, its a nice big chunk of free porn

Posted: Monday 31st January 2005, 4:35 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Jake Gyllenhaal is the guy

Followup to my previous post there, it turns out that Jake Gyllenhaal is "that guy from donnie darko" mentioned in the previous post. In case you need to know who exactly to be jealous of. and/or who to put the voodoo curses on.

Posted: Saturday 1st January 2005, 2:32 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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KIRSTEN DUNST Nipple Slip, Boobie Pop

Kirsten Dunst, from spiderman fame, finally shows off those nipples that we all drooled over during that rain scene in spiderman 1. admit it, you were about to lick the screen. Well, at least, i was.

Anyways, we found This over at today. News article is included, though I cropped the image a bit. That's definately Kirsten Dunst's nipples. Nice set of boobies I think :)

That dude from donnie darko, who is apparantly her fiance, is one lucky mother fucker.

Posted: Saturday 1st January 2005, 2:27 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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On Christmas, and New Years, and Tsunami's and Things

Well I spent 12 days total with family, or traveling, or traveling with famalies. I got home in time to celebrate new years with friends. Its been quite a set of holidays.

True for other people in the world, some homeless, some missing loved ones. Our heart goes out to you guys.

2005 will be a new year here and a new year for making changes.

I realized I didnt have enough cash to send anything to the red cross this year to help out. I sure wish I had a bit more money. My gifts werent as nice as they were.

So this year I am goign to start concentrating on the business hard, fast, often. See what i can do to get enough money in the bank so the next time something like this happens I can help out in more ways than thinking good thoughts and hoping.

For the handful of readers who still come ehre, I hope you enjoyed your holidays whatever they were.

I hope you stay safe and drive carefully tonight and have a good responsible time.

If you're boning a stranger, wear a raincoat ;)

Posted: Friday 31st December 2004, 12:43 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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For Christmas, Google handed me my ass. Bit Torrents dying

Well, as you might know I make a living at this internet thing. I'm not really fit physically to do a real job that'd bring in the bucks so I do this internet thing.

Well, about 48 hours ago google did a new shuffle. Now, normally this doesnt effect me so much. I make nice clean sites people like to use, so, when google cuts my traffic by 5 or 10% its no big deal.

This time it cut it in about half. All of the results I normally get traffic from are stuffed full of spam pages, weighing in higher than mine. Currently the "google shuffle" is tearing me a new asshole.

All in time for christmas.

Top this off with the fact that bit torrent sites (i wont mention any here, dont want to lead the wrong people the wrong way) are dying left and right.

So yeah, no movies, no music, no tv shows. Ya know i mostly used it to watch TV shows. I pay for cable through my cable company, every package they offer, and I pay for my internet through them too.

So who or why does it matter if I watch "house" from my computer instead of their fucking tv box? I dont get it. But apparantly that was reason enough to even crush the TV ONLY torrent sites.

And it'll only get worse, of course. Torrenting is probably on its way out and it'll be 2-3 months before something new and impressive shows up to replace it, that the big orginizations dont comprehend until its too late.

So Fuck all the TV shows I only follow because I could get them on the net. An FUCK all of the DVD's I bought becaused I saw the torrent first (over 10 dvd's as presents this year alone) and FUCK the comedy albums I bought because I heard them first on torrents.

I guess its the beginning of the end, and the end of an era of greatness for the internet.

Honestly besides jacking off and farking, I dont know what else to use the internet for. Maybe its time I got away from the computer a few weeks.

well, maybe not ;)

Posted: Monday 20th December 2004, 12:01 AM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Strip Clubs

So a friend dragged me to a strip club earlier this week. I have to admit that it was... unusual.

First off the part of the world i live in says "no full nude" for alcohol serving bars. This place decided "fuck alcohol" and went full nude.

Cover was 6.00 bucks.

So the stage was duct taped up particle board.... seriously. The pole was some fiberglass pipe.

There were only about 10 or 15 guys there and about 6 girls. The funny part was how it worked though.

When you tipped a dollar along the edge of the stage, you generally got a little bump and grind for it. Most clubs you might get a small feel, or a kiss on the cheek. Here you got 30 seconds of high mileage entertainment. I was impressed.

Until i realized that I was third in line. The tow guys to the left of me were getting the same damned attention. Whatever was on their crotch got transferred to my crotch. Jesus.

I mean dont get me wrong, I dont have a problem with group sex, orgies or anything else. I'm just saying a woman who rides crotches for a dollar cant neccesarily be the cleanest person in the world. When she hops from man to man within a 5 second window.... ya know?

One of the girls shoved their ass right into my face 5 seconds after it was on some other guys crotch. I still tipped her. But frankly, I think that was a bit nerve racking.

I'd been here before though and this was a definate improvement. Lots of 6-7's girls and one 8. I was impresed.

Still, too cheap to get a private dance. :)

Posted: Friday 17th December 2004, 2:45 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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I found This Movie Post Site today, submitted by a friend over at

I thought it was good enough to mention here in the blog. Its a "movie gallery post", with full thumb previews of the movie galleries. Its easy to navigate, easy to use, and the movies are great.

Oh and of course its free. ;)

Posted: Friday 17th December 2004, 1:48 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Live Webcam Girls

So anyways, i'm always looking for new sponsor oppurtunities. A friend of mine wrote me to say he's been performing out the ass with a cam site, so I figured I'd sign up.

First off I get my webmaster membership to see what the payout and stuff is like. It aint bad. Then I check out the sites for a while before I promote them.

Oh... my... god.

I'm hooked, pure and simple. Spent most of the night playing with the cams for free. Some amazing women here and they put on amazing shows. I started off with a free account which was great but ya know how it goes, you meet the right girl and you want her to do whatever you like on camera.

Now i goto the nudie bars from time to time and this is, frankly, chapear than going to those anyways, so its kind of ok. I could spend 500 bucks a night at those places. At home I'm a lot more cautious and lets be frank, since I'll be pulling the pud? I get it over with quickly.

So anyways, check This Site Out see what you think. I've certainly enjoyed it. Besides, who knows, maybe you'll meet that Perfect Girl like i did.

My only complaint is I dont earn any kickback on my own purchase :/

Posted: Wednesday 8th December 2004, 10:38 AM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Hey, thanks to the owner and operator for for stopping by the forums to say hi. Nice site and thanks for the words of encouragment. He's got some nice porn over there too :)

Speaking of other blogs my good friend has a link up to This incredible woman which you'd be a fool not to fall in love with. That webmaster, of course, is the ever popular JOhnDX Next time I'm down for a few days make sure to use him for all your masturbatory needs.

Of course there are always the good folks at to keep you busy... :)

Anyways, more goodies soon-ish.

Posted: Tuesday 7th December 2004, 12:30 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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George W, Red States, Christianity, Porn Vs Religion

Its been a while since I wrote here.

I got sick in october, I spent a lot of the past 2 months recovering from this. But I promised when I started this blog I wouldnt post details about my personal life, so I wont start today.

Whenever I go through something like this i tend to be very negative, so, I decided to skip that kind of thing. I didnt want to ruin this blog with negative posts, rather than just let it sit in a stalemate for a while. I think that was the best thing to have done.

anyways, I promise one quick rant and then we can get things back to normal with the funny links, celeb nude shots, and the porn. ok?

I'm american and I live in a red state. I used to think a lot of good things about christianity. But, as this religion has been put under the microscope lately I find myself more and more concerned about a few things.

First off, whats with selectively believing in the bible? I mean, we surmise that the bible says homosexuality is an abomination against god and that spilling the seed of a man i wrong, so you folks hate homosexuals which is fine. But at the same time the bible says directly DONT EAT SHELLFISH and you do. DONT EAT PIG and you do. STONE A MAN TO DEATH IF HE WORKS ON THE SABBATH and you dont.

Clearly you just fucking hate homsexuals and the fact that the bible says to is just pretty much a cop out and I think we fucking know it. So kids its all or nothing. Either SELL YOUR DAUGHTERS AS SLAVES as the good book commanded, or get off the dicks of homosexuals and let them live their lives.

The life, possibly the death, of Chris Reeves seems to have been in vain and I think that's a fucking shame. I read today about a woman walking for the first time in 20 years after recieving Stem Cell Research but american research is now limited to one line of stem cells. Though thousands of frozen fetuses will be destroyed rather than used in this great country, we can use only this one line and the practicing scientists say its not enough.

But sure, when your daughter or son makes his own decision whether or not he thinks the sacrafaces of babies in test tubes is worth the ability to walk again I think you'll support it then.

And fuck health care right? I've got 20,000 worth of bills over the last month because I'm uninsurable. I cant go on the state because I make money from my sites. How the fuck am I goign to pay these bills? Oh well, as long as _YOU_ have a choice about who you fucking use for your insurance its all the same right? Dicks. Fuck my ability to recieve health care as long as the privelaged retain their choice. Fine by me I guess.

Not to mention my biggest concern, that of another liberal justice finding his ass on the supreme court. COPA will go back in front of the supreme court. IT was voted out 5/4 last time. Let this adminstration tip the scale and this website and anything like it will require adult verification for viewing. That's great, I suppose, to the adult verification people. But me? I like this site remaining free. I like people decided whether or not they want to send me money or purchase my products to view it rather than being forced to. Ah well.

So anyways.... new porn coming. Things are stable here. I got good friends and good family and a good house over my head and I pay a good chunk of taxes to fight a war I dont agree with but that's allright. Democracy spoke, 52% of you get to tell me how to live my life for the next 4 years and that's a life bereft of health insurance, online porn, or medical advance. That's fine.

But i'm gonna say it here and now. I dont believe the words in your book. I dont believe your jesus was anyone but a crazed shister. I dont believe in your way of life. I believe in mine. I believe in true compassion not preached compassion. I believe its in the acts and not the ideals. I believe that medical science is more important than FUCKALL else and that helping children with CP live a real life is more important than protecting unborn children in a tube.

So, frankly, I've never felt more alone and distant from that 52% of the world than I do now, which is a fucking shame, because I've always felt alone. I always really have. I never thought I'd feel even more of an outcast than I do today but yet here I sit, afraid to hit 'add this entry!" and post this out of fear of attacks of christians bringing down the site. Funny that, huh?

Posted: Sunday 28th November 2004, 11:24 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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P.S. I will find my frog

Who took my frog
who found my frog

Posted: Wednesday 10th November 2004, 7:41 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Thunderbird Lyrics

I know, I know, I said that I would quit
All right, I promise, no more after this
You don't know how I've tried
To forget what it was like

I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

Man, oh man, my throat is dry
Man, are you thinking what I
Am? Well what about it then?

Before you fall, you have to learn to crawl
You can't see heaven when you're standing tall
To get the whole sky
On the ground you have to lie

I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

We like fun, me and my girl
We'll have fun fun fun until
T-bird takes her dad away

I know, I know, I said that I'd desist
All right, I promise, no more after this
Not to be what I was like
Not to soar across the sky
Spread my thunder wings and fly
Spread my thunder wings and fly

I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

Posted: Thursday 4th November 2004, 4:35 AM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.
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New York Post: Erection Day

SEems like directoy Seymore Butts is giving away Free Porn at the virgin megastore in times square tonight.

PORN director Seymore Butts — star of Showtime's reality series "Family Business" — is giving away dirty DVDs to anyone who shows up at the Virgin Megastore in Times Square tonight with proof of having voted. "We'd like them to vote for Kerry, but if they voted for Bush and come to get a free Seymore DVD . . . well, that's a little telling, isn't it?" he says. Butts and porn starlet Mari Possa will distribute DVDs to randy voters beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Go in and collect and if you saw it here, post in the forum.

Posted: Tuesday 2nd November 2004, 4:45 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Happy Halloween!

Happy halloween!

Posted: Saturday 30th October 2004, 8:05 PM By Boogie, from under his desk where its safe.

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Cfporn Detailed Information
T-Mobile Terrorist Strikes again - Fred Durst Sex Video
Paris Hilton's Mobile Hacked
15 Free sites for you to enjoy
Yen's Free Porn
Jake Gyllenhaal is the guy
KIRSTEN DUNST Nipple Slip, Boobie Pop
On Christmas, and New Years, and Tsunami's and Things
For Christmas, Google handed me my ass. Bit Torrents dying
Strip Clubs
Live Webcam Girls
George W, Red States, Christianity, Porn Vs Religion
P.S. I will find my frog
Thunderbird Lyrics
New York Post: Erection Day
Happy Halloween!
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