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Archive for May 31st, 2006

Free Porn Pics

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

I actually have recieved a few comments in the past few days about “too much news” and “not enough porn” and as always I want to remind those of you who may not already know that I do have a place where you can get about 3,850 (at current count) links to free porn sites. […]

HD Porn

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

Welcome to what I hope is a new series for the good folks who love High Definition porn and have the internet broadband to enjoy such HD porn offerings.
This weeks offer comes from the good folks at MC Nudes, who have created a trailer to show you just how much they’ve improved their videos. […]

Improper Views on Sex

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

I’ve read it I think about a thousand times today.
“Viewing porn at a young age provides an unfair view about sex” and “we want our kids to grow up with a healthy outlook on sex” and so on and so forth.
There is something here I dont get. What IS a healthy outlook on sex? […]