Adult Friendfinder
We havent talked about adultfriendfinder yet. Surely by now you’ve noticed on the sidebar that there is a random profile from your area (at least, the area of your I.P. address) being served up each time you visit the site. Its mostly women as I think mostly men visit my site. (otherwise, helllloooo ladies!)
Anyways, the reason I advertise adultfriendfinder is pretty simple. I use them. I get laid through them, which is pretty rare, because I’m one fat ugly mother fucker. But I meet a girl on a rare time from time who is responsive. Sometimes I meet a girl who is interested in erotic photography and wants to appear on one of my sites, sometimes I meet a girl who wants to date and sometimes I meet a girl who wants to just fuck.
Well, all in all, 5 girls in 1 year. Not bad for just having a personal up there. I didnt have a gold membership until last month, so that I could start writing letters and viewing video intros. Those are hot even if you dont plan on contacting the girls
Anyways, writing letters is hard. Its kind of close to approaching real women in a bar or on the street or even in a strip club. You’ve gotta kind of know how to do it. If you come across as a dweeb then pretty much ya know, its not gonna work out so great.
Now my friend over at Mate Find has a nice series of letters written by men and responded to by a lady. She tells you whats right, whats wrong, and how your letters should look.
So if you’re already a member of adult friend finder (which quite a few of you apparantly are), its very, very good reading.
If you’re not a member, why not? Its free. Mmmm, free.