Grand Theft Auto Hot coffee Mod
Ok by now you surely have seen the fucking Hot Coffee Mod for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto. Its got simulated fucking.
Ok what can I say that most comedians havent said by now right? Let me just say this.
If you got this game for your kid who was under 17 you violated the M for Mature rating anyways, i have no fucking pity for you.
If your kid was 17 and you got it for him then you’ve got a case here, I suppose. IF your kid is 17 and doesnt know about sex or what can be seen in that video though I feel for both you and him. He’s lead a disturbingly sheltered life and that’s a fucking shame in this day and age you goddamned religious fuckwits. Seek some counseling.
If you were one of the parents that were ok with all the violence and cop killing and prostitute running over and car explosions and murders and pillaging and robbery and gang warfare… was glad your kid enjoyed the game… then are now upset that there is sex involved you’ve got serious fucking issues. See a counselor. Why would you teach your kid its ok to pretend to kill cops but not ok to pretend to fuck a girl you’ve dated 10 or 15 times in a video game? i mean wow. Talk about some crazy columbine shooting shit right there you’re fucking up your kids hardcore.
So, yeah. I’m sexually liberal. I think that if hot coffee was in the live version of the game and reachable on the PC or XBOX that’d be a lot of fun. I’d have bought a second copy of the game just to encourage it.
Rockstar I fucking love you people. You’re the Larry Flynt of the gaming industry. Wear the american flag as a diaper and throw oranges at a judge and we’ll thank you for your efforts in free speech.
Until some crazy conservative shoots you and makes you a cripple I guess tho.
July 28th, 2005 at 10:36 pm
Dude, I so agree with you. As my dad would say, “Well, fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke.”
I wonder how many other games are out there that have easter eggs like this?
July 30th, 2005 at 12:39 am
yes because its only conservatives that are fucking with the game industry….
don’t forget your tinfoil hat
July 30th, 2005 at 12:52 am
I never said it was only conservatives. Or nor did i mention conservatives above.
I didnt address anyone politically. re read the article.