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Archive for the 'Polls' Category

British Porn

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

Welcome, all new British Porn Viewers. We’re glad to have you here.
according to this article at digitaljournal.com British porn viewers is the fastest growing adult market in the world.
In fact look at these statistics:
In the first definitive study of the country’s consumption of pornography, research by Nielsen NetRatings showed more than nine million […]

A week off + Oblivion Nude Mod

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

I took a week off. so fucking sue me. My girlfriend moving in and taking care of other shit plus playing The Elder Scrolls: OBLIVION kept me from blogging. Cry me a river.
Btw, about Oblivion, yes there is nude content via GTA: San Andreas. Want to see the girl […]

Americans Prefere Traditional Sex

Saturday, October 8th, 2005

Found this article rather amusing, it looks like americans as a whole, when surveyed, like traditional sex. Where do you fall in that category?
Americans Prefere Traditional Sex
In whole, the nation showed a strong traditional opinion on sexuality. In particular, 97 percent of American men aged from 25 to 44 claimed they were absolutely heterosexual […]

Kate’s Playground has a Hoof?

Sunday, August 7th, 2005

Kate, from Kate’s Playground, has long since rumored as being slightly physically different. Well folks I wanted to talk about this for a bit if I can.
People says shes’ got a hoof. a cloven foot.
First off its not 886 AD so I dont know why you give a remote shit about […]

Porn Poll: How Much Sex Have You Had?

Monday, July 11th, 2005

Our old sex poll is on the out and the results were pretty suprising:
494 of you voted:
156 of you said you’ve had a lot of sex.
120 of you said you’ve had a bit but not a lot
87 of you said you’ve fooled around but are still a virgin
66 of you said you’ve never done a […]

Porn Poll: Ever Fuck In Public?

Wednesday, June 15th, 2005

A porn poll has come and gone, this time fucking in public was the question of choice. It seems you good folks like to get it on while other people are around because these stats are really suprising.
426 votes total…
198 have fucked in public a few times
92 of you havent but would love […]

The Porn Poll: Ever Buy Porn?

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

Looks like the results on the Porn Poll are in and its none too suprising. My visitors love to pench pennies but when the penchant persaudes them they purchase the porn.
90 total participants
25 of you have purchased magazines
14 of you have rented movies (or purchased them)
15 of you have purchased online porn
20 of you […]

Sex Poll: How often do you look at porn?

Monday, May 16th, 2005

The results are in and they’re not too suprising. The question was how often do you look at porn related sites.
101 folks voted total.
60 of you said you look at it daily.
19 of you are here about once a week
7 of you just about once a month
12 people said they’re looking at it all […]

The Chick or the Car?

Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

Easy one for me, since its raven riley, but The girl or the car?
I’d drive a 1988 shitbox if I could drive it over to her place

Sex Poll: Raven Riley Wins

Wednesday, May 4th, 2005

Well, after 167 total votes, Raven Riley is our winner!
92 total votes for Raven
53 total votes for Ashley Brookes
5 votes only for in bed with faith. Sorry faith. I guess your tits are too big
10 of you had someone else in mind while voting
7 of you didnt know who or what was […]

Making An informed Decision

Thursday, April 28th, 2005

Just for those of you who are wondering who to vote for in the latest poll, here is a recap.
Raven Riley
Ashley Brookes
Too bad we cant vote for all 3 :hitit

Porn Poll: What Kinda Porn Do You LIke

Tuesday, April 26th, 2005

Well the results are in. Looks like you good folks definately know how you like your porn.
152 votes total
101 of you are looking for movies and videos
29 of you just flat dont care as long as its porn
17 of you prefere pictures to movies
5 of you are looking for things to read about.
Overall It […]

Sex Polls: Porn Preferences

Sunday, April 17th, 2005

well, we’ve had an interesting week since the latest poll has gone up. Over 152 total votes and still counting. here are the results as of Sunday April 17th.
152 votes total.
40% of you want hardcore sex (62 votes)
22% of you are looking for lesbian porn ( 34 votes)
11% want single girls and […]

Sexual Orientation Poll

Wednesday, April 13th, 2005

Looks like the sexual orientation poll is coming to a close. Looks like about 100 people voted total, and here is the breakdown as of this post (the voting will continue in the polls archive section)
74 straight males
9 straight females
6 bi males
4 gay males
3 gay females
3 bi females
So, just crunching some numbers here…. 84% […]