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Archive for the 'Politics' Category

Land of Confusion

Monday, August 7th, 2006

I LOVED the original phil collins version. (genesis?). Anyways this version by disturbed rocks so hard it HURTS. the video… well, not so great.
but this song…
take a look and let me know what you think. if you guys know my political slant (and I think most of you do) […]

Mandatory Web Labeling

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

Whee….! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
Well, maybe not. But this is pretty shitty.
After trying to move all porn sites to .xxx domains, after trying to squelch out porn with their 2257 fiasco, AFTER trying to force ISPs to keep catalogues of all sites visiting, the republicans finally have it!
Mandatory Web […]

Adult Internet Under Attack

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

It seems like every day there is another example of “THE SKY IS FALLING!!!” coming from the good folks in washington, so I’m almost tired of talking about it.
2257 regulations, net neutrality, Child Online Protection Act (COPA), and so on and so forth.
So what are the current attempted blows at the internet today?
Internet Labeling […]

Net Neutrality? FUCKSHITS

Friday, June 9th, 2006

dont know much about net neutrality?
here is the short and thick of it.
1) The Telecoms come up with the “Cope Act” (Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act) which will make them more money and allow them to install “TOLL” lanes on the information superhighway.
Instead of a free, fair, everyone gets charged the same deal system… […]

Albert Gonzales, Hypocrit

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

I hate this mother fucker more and more every day. My only regret is he’ll probably never read that I think he’s a mother fucker.
Remember a few weeks back we reported that Gonzales wanted all ISPs to track EVERY site you went to, and EVERY thing you ever did so that they could use […]

On Censorship and Oblivion

Monday, May 8th, 2006

So…. maybe you havent heard of the game Oblivion, because you’re not into games (or you are otherwise amish) and perhaps you havent heard about the PC only mod that allows you to play Topless Female Characters, displaying the premade nipple textures made by the artists who created the skins for the game.
Recently the good […]

FCC Gets Owned

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

Since it probably wont be long before the FCC is regulating the living shit out of the american part of the internet, its always nice to take a small jab at those fucks when I can.
But when a federal judge takes the time to mock them, on record, over the “broadband wiretapping” issue… its golden. […]

Porn Not Politics

Saturday, May 6th, 2006

you may or may not have seen the funniest thing on the internet, but, you need to see it.
Stephen Colbert ROASTS bush to his face
I laughed for … about a week now. all I could think was “why havent they just shot him?”

Bush Wants Me To Spend 5 Years in Prison

Friday, April 21st, 2006

Good news! Remember yesterday albert gonzales spoke about how awful child porn was and how it was time to start making laws to stop child porn?
well holy fuck if this isnt the BIGGEST coincidence…. BUSH suggested a law today!
“Web site operators posting sexually explicit information must place official government warning labels on […]

Gonzales Gives “wake up call”

Thursday, April 20th, 2006

Hey, good news. Albert Gonzales, who we have covered in previous updates, is still a fuckwit.
Case in point: Albert Gonzales issues “wake up call” about internet abuse of pornography. That’s not exactly it but I dont want to use the keywords related to his topic. Since they’re not actually related to what […]

DoJ didnt just subpeona Google

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006

So, remember a few weeks back when the Department of Justice subpeona’d Google to get user information and search records to see what people were searching for? Ya know, all in the name of “child protection?”
well, great news, it wasnt just google that got the government request for information.
36 companies in all, MOST of […]

Porn Causes Physical Harm

Monday, April 3rd, 2006

Porn causes physical harm?
read this string of bullshit here: Activists Decry Porn’s Move to Mainstream.
Since this goddamned rant got to be about 400 pages I put it on its own page please click below to view it:

here are some quotes and my rebuttals:
But I’m convinced we’ll demonstrate in the not-too-distant future the actual physical harm […]

Boogie is a Patriot

Thursday, March 16th, 2006

I’ve been noticing some unusual traffic sources over the past few days that I thought I should talk about.
Hits originating from:
Homeland Security
Misisisipi government institutions
and so forth. Hey you government fuckwits, welcome to Boogie-blog.com. I hope that you good retards enjoy watching me legally and peacefully exercise my first amendment rights. I also […]

DoJ to Google: Hand Over Your Records

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

This is hardcore, grade A, fucked if you ask me.
According to ABC news, the DOJ is in the courts trying to get google to hand over their porn search records.
A federal judge said Tuesday he intends to require Google Inc. to turn over some information to the Department of Justice in its quest […]

The Unusual Case of Melissa Midwest

Friday, March 10th, 2006

Melissa Midwest, you may not know her by that name but instead by her real name Melissa harrington.
She’s an internet model that lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, and is constantly being harassed by the police there.
Surely anyone in the industry is aware that this can be a problem if you make yourself known in […]

Myspace Vigilanties Bust Cyber Predator

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

You have to love a feel good story like this one.
Two boys create a fake myspace.com page to cheer up a friend who has been dumped. This page presents a 15 year old girl persona.
Not long after this page goes up, a sexual predator contacts this ‘15 year old’ for sexual favors. He […]

Library Raid

Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

Many places in this great nation have been raided for the sake of ‘decency’ to remove the ‘terrible scourge’ of pornography from the land.
Computer labs and ISPs, Larry Flynts offices and homes… but this is probably a first.
according to Buffalo News two suited men burst into a public library and made an announcement that you […]

Child Finds Porn Site

Wednesday, February 8th, 2006

OH MY GOD: Today on the internet A CHILD FOUND PORN???
Hey parents, guess what? There is porn on the net. Watch what the fuck your kids are doing, k? k.
Put some parental blocks on there too btw, while you’re at it, cause it’ll keep the porn from popping up as […]

President Bush Makes Annoying People On The Internet Illegal

Monday, January 9th, 2006

in an amusing twist of weirdness, President Bush has signed into law a prohibition of annoying people over the internet anonymously.
Check it out here.
It’s no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity.
In other words, it’s OK […]

Written Word Prosecuted for Obscenity

Monday, October 10th, 2005

Folks, i’m not here to deliver unto you a history lesson. I’m not here to explain the ins and outs of the american judicial system, but I’ll summarize a little bit of the important stuff for you.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging […]