Flash File Friday, April 22
Its time for another flash file friday. Not a lot of good flash content made this week so we’re gonna hit on some classics. Ones that are worth a rewatch or worth making sure you seen it. Just to keep you guessing we’ll mix in a few new ones
I love you egg is pretty much insanity. Classic shit, if you havent seen it, watch it. 9 times. then hemmorage. Watch the rest at Iloveegg.com.
Take a few minutes out of your day to spank that ass.
more evidence that dropping nuclear bombs on cities of an asian island fucks them up sincerely. Cutesy and dumb. Mostly awful.
Yo Mamma. Yo Daddy. Yo Sista’s A Ho. Catchy.
Then of course you can spend some time beating up the common people. Fucking surfs. its tax time!
That wraps it up for this weeks installment. What is the deal flash artists? Slow week, I tell you what. Makes me sad. That’s why we got next friday though