I’ve Looked At Over 1,000 Porn Links Today
Well as you folks know I also run a link site, one of the oldest porn link lists on the internet. Its been around since 1997! Its worked out pretty well
Anyways, I am one of the few link lists on the internet that let just any old webmaster submit their stuff. Now this means its newbie friendly for new webmasters and the like, I’ve always enjoyed that, and am doing my best to help folks get into the biz.
But some of these sites they send me are just absolutely terrible. And I’m getting 50 or 60 sites to review every day. I have to check every link and count things and all kinds of stupid shit to make sure no one is trying to cheat the surfers to the link. its pretty fucking time consuming.
Now that said, let me say that I get behind sometimes. When I started today I was 1780 links behind.
So tonight I’ve plowed through as many links as I can stand to. The good news is that’s some 400 new categoriezed porn links over at the site. yeah I end up approving close to half when I review.
I’ve seen way, way, way, too much fucking porn today. Sincerely. HOURS worth of the shit. I mean I’m about to hemmorage. Not just porn I like either, there are Tranny links over there. Gay fucksex links. Bondage. I mean christ man, I’m a softcore/hardcore/lesbian kinda guy. Something about 3 gay dudes playing in yogurt just makes me groan.
Ah well.
Beats the fuck out of working at Wal Mart.