Raven Riley Exclusive Pictures
Well my good friends over at ravenriley.com suprised me with some incredible exclusive content for me to share with you folks today. The fact that a gorgeous amateur model like this even knows this blog exists makes me quite happy but to have her post for pictures like this for me is just unreal. Thanks a lot to the folks over at ravenriley.com and thanks to raven too
My personal favorite from the set:
Its days like this that just makes it worth being a webmaster
Its when stuff like this happens you realize that your blog is making an impact and there is not a better feeling in the world. Well, maybe having my face in raven’s muff. But otherwise then its the second best feeling.
April 26th, 2005 at 4:11 pm
“blog is making an impact”?
Sorry man, your blog is hardly life changing. it’s a porn blog for goodness sake. you fill it with pics of attractive chicks and link with your affiliate code.
not that that’s a bad thing. just not ‘impacting’ on anyone’s life. except maybe your own.
April 26th, 2005 at 4:24 pm
Impact as in…. getting noticed by other webmasters in the field and building traffic.
You dont have to agree and I’m glad for your comment but apparantly if webmasters are noticing my blog and sending in fan signs that’s an ‘impact’.
now impacting anyone’s life, you’re right, probably not. Effecting a few penises though maybe?
Anyways thanks for your comment.
April 26th, 2005 at 4:26 pm
I’m jealous.
April 27th, 2005 at 5:48 am
Respect to you sir.
Good answer. You didn’t ignore me nor skirt the question and fling bullshit my way.
Thanks for your response.