Working on a new project
I’ve been working on a new project lately with a friend in the biz. Well, I guess you could say a partner now since we’ve been working together on a project. Anyways its had me busy most days which is saying a lot since i’m rarely really to put this kind of elbow grease into a project I am with this one.
The good news is I think its going to be very good. I’m using my blogging skills and knowledge to make things work out well there and in time I think you’ll find that the project is going to take off quite well. If it does it could effectually change the way adult sites look from time to time. Wouldnt that be grand?
It wouldnt be the first time I helped change the adult side of the internet, either. Some of you constant readers may already know there was a time that the web had nothing but pop up consoles and installers and dialers all over the place and it was difficult if not impossible to find real porn.
This was back in the day and age of Pentium 75’s and 32 megs of ram, 56k modems and god knows what else. When pop ups werent just an annoyance but would crash your system. It made it near impossible to find real porn.
So I started which is “console free porn” and did what I could to help the internet change by giving folks who didnt use pop up consoles extra traffic, by simply not using consoles on their sites. I probably wasnt the first and I certainly wasnt the last because a lot of people started creating traffic sources for clean sites. Eventually the thumbnail gallery system was born and here we are today.
So what now if we can bring blogging into the adult realm as deeply as we can. How can we change the adult internet?
I sure hope that we will see. I’m doing my best, I moderate an adult board about blogging, I help good people set up their blogs and adult businesses, I have installed wordpress for folks and taught them how to use it…
Am I getting rich doing it? no. But it wouldnt be bad to play a part in another chunk of internet history. It wouldnt be bad to add that to my legacy.
So we’ll see
Sorry that my other sites, including this one, are suffering a little for updates. That will change as I get back into the swing of things. but right now I focus on this new, bigger project. I’ll always find time for you here though