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Archive for the 'Rants' Category

Life Advice from Boogie

Monday, September 11th, 2006

Here is a simple flowchart for you to follow to help you in your relationships in life.
Problem: My girlfriend is crazy.
1) all women are crazy. Determine how crazy your woman is. use this friendly scale to determine her insanity level
1 - angelina jolie
10 - lorena bobbet
If she’s closer to angelina jolie who […]

Land of Confusion

Monday, August 7th, 2006

I LOVED the original phil collins version. (genesis?). Anyways this version by disturbed rocks so hard it HURTS. the video… well, not so great.
but this song…
take a look and let me know what you think. if you guys know my political slant (and I think most of you do) […]

Mandatory Web Labeling

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

Whee….! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
Well, maybe not. But this is pretty shitty.
After trying to move all porn sites to .xxx domains, after trying to squelch out porn with their 2257 fiasco, AFTER trying to force ISPs to keep catalogues of all sites visiting, the republicans finally have it!
Mandatory Web […]

About Comment Spam

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

Once again I wanted to write about comment spam.
ABout 400 times a day, people try to spam boogie-blog.com and put random comments to include links to their blogs, or spam pages, or worse.
Generally this is spambots. They have little programmed sayings and things that are easy to recognize.
I look for information on google and […]

About My Fleshlight

Saturday, June 24th, 2006

I have recieved both ICQ’s and emails asking about my recent obsession with my Fleshlights. I wanted to answer that today if I can.
I was in a serious relationship with a very loving girl who loved sex for the past 8 months and well… it ended, unfortunately.
So, after a week or so I […]

Robot Sex

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006

Looking forward to robot sex? Looking forward to fucking the android robotic mistress (or mister) of your dreams?
Looks like you might have to wait about 5 years… around 2011. Set your timers
according to an article I found at news.com.au, it looks like one scientist is claiming that we’ll be having sex […]

Porn Mailbag

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

Lets take another dip into the porn mailbag and see what I’ve gotten over the past few weeks.
thomas wrote:
i love your porn send me some please i look foward to it and i mainly like the boobs and girls doin spready’s thanks
yours truley thomas
I’m glad you like the site, thomas, but… I’m not even sure […]

Adult Internet Under Attack

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

It seems like every day there is another example of “THE SKY IS FALLING!!!” coming from the good folks in washington, so I’m almost tired of talking about it.
2257 regulations, net neutrality, Child Online Protection Act (COPA), and so on and so forth.
So what are the current attempted blows at the internet today?
Internet Labeling […]

10 worst blowjob mistakes

Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

I saw this over at an adult forum I read every day. No clue about its source.
read the list after the bump:

10 Worst Blowjob Mistakes
The number one blowjob mistake: letting your teeth hit his cock. We can’t stress this enough. Ask any guy and he’ll tell you again and again: nothing is worse than […]

Net Neutrality and Porn

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

Since so many people seemed to be confused about net neutrality and are unwilling to read Save The Internet I have created a small illustration that will help sum things up for you:

Pedophile Owned by Dateline

Monday, June 12th, 2006

I’m pretty sure that if you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you’re aware of how I feel about men who solicit underage girls.
I think its pretty standard in the industry to despise these kind of men.
so when you get to see some sicko like this completely and totally destroyed by […]

Net Neutrality? FUCKSHITS

Friday, June 9th, 2006

dont know much about net neutrality?
here is the short and thick of it.
1) The Telecoms come up with the “Cope Act” (Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act) which will make them more money and allow them to install “TOLL” lanes on the information superhighway.
Instead of a free, fair, everyone gets charged the same deal system… […]

Summer Slowdown

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

Summer slowdown. Its the inevitable part of the online business, especially when it comes to the adult side of things.
Basically, hits are down, purchase rates are down… people are just surfing by, if they show up at all.
Not many people want to spend their summer’s free time in front of the […]

Albert Gonzales, Hypocrit

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

I hate this mother fucker more and more every day. My only regret is he’ll probably never read that I think he’s a mother fucker.
Remember a few weeks back we reported that Gonzales wanted all ISPs to track EVERY site you went to, and EVERY thing you ever did so that they could use […]

Free Porn Pics

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

I actually have recieved a few comments in the past few days about “too much news” and “not enough porn” and as always I want to remind those of you who may not already know that I do have a place where you can get about 3,850 (at current count) links to free porn sites. […]

Improper Views on Sex

Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

I’ve read it I think about a thousand times today.
“Viewing porn at a young age provides an unfair view about sex” and “we want our kids to grow up with a healthy outlook on sex” and so on and so forth.
There is something here I dont get. What IS a healthy outlook on sex? […]

British Porn

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

Welcome, all new British Porn Viewers. We’re glad to have you here.
according to this article at digitaljournal.com British porn viewers is the fastest growing adult market in the world.
In fact look at these statistics:
In the first definitive study of the country’s consumption of pornography, research by Nielsen NetRatings showed more than nine million […]

On Comment Spam

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

Boogie-blog is one of the few high volume blogs out there that still allows users to comment, which in a way is a shame because so few viewers take the time to do so (1:2000 or so).
However, this lack of comment activity is quickly made up for by the eleven million comment spam bots who […]

Radio DJ Fired For Dressing Too Sexy?

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

Yup. A radio DJ was fired for dressing too sexily while on the air.
Let that set in for a moment.
source: Female DJ Fired for dressing too sexy
She said: “My boss told me that my skirts were too short and my tops too low.
“But I don’t understand […]

Average Size of a Woman

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

American women are becoming plus sized.
In fact, according to this article about plus sized clothing the average size of an american woman is size 14.
Size 14.
that’s a 40 inch bust
32 inch waist
42 inch hips.
Why are american women plumping up? I have a theory.
Today i’ve surfed the internet and watched a little tv and turned […]