Internet Porn Statistics
My good friend DangerDave over at DangerBlog pointed out an interesting article on Internet Pornography Statistics
You can view it all for yourself but here are some pretty interesting points:
All types of pornography combined generates $57.0 billion world-wide - $12.0 billion US
The internet generates $2.5 billion of that
There are 4.2 million Pornographic websites (12% of total websites), which total 372 million pages
68 million (25% of total search engine requests) - Hi there google and yahoo
Men admitting to accessing pornography at work = 20% - so hi from work, to 1 out of 5 of you…
Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites 72% male - 28% female - that means 1 in 4 of you are ladies. That’s really awesome.
Speaking of women and porn:
70% of women keep their cyber activities secret. which really is a fucking shame. You should be proud of it. I think most men find it hot as hell.
And the really heartbreaking part of all of this? The part that keeps me awake at night?
Child pornography generates $3 billion annually
Websites offering illegal child pornography 100 thousand
Youths who received sexual solicitation 20%
I just dont get it. I’d never find a child attractive in a sexual way. I dont see how this is part of the internet. yet it never fails, a couple times a year some dickwad submits a child porn site to either me or one of my friends and their link lists. Holy fucking christ, what are they thinking. I immediately report them to the right people, with all the information I can gather. Its amazing, I just dont understand this kind of behavior at all.
But at least our Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has his priorities straight, right?
Here is another one I dont get:
Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography 11 years old
why? Dont you monitor your kids internet usage? And if you dont, why not? Do you have programs that block adult sites on your computer? If not, why not. You can find hundred free ones via google.
Are they seeing it on the school computers? get involved in making sure the computers there are protected.
Honestly though, My first exposure to pornography was about age 11… and I turned out just fine. yup. Just a perfectly adjusted, normal, internet pornographer. My therapist says so!
March 16th, 2005 at 12:46 am
[…] Internet Porn Statistics
Filed under: Porn Themes — Eythan @ 1:46 am
Boogie’s Porn Blog has complete porn stats. Here’s just one example: All type […]
March 24th, 2005 at 7:01 pm
Interesting Porn Statistics
I was surfing my buddy’s porn blog, Boogie Blog, and came across this interesting internet porn statistics. Some of these numbers are mind boggling, and it hurts me to know that much is made from porn and i am fighting for every dollar to go through p…